Going for a Lady with a LESS DEMANDING CAREER than You

I was surfing the internet recently and I stumbled upon a question or discussion someone raised. The main was this

What’s your take people. Is it ideal to go for someone with a lower ambition than you. Male or female.

Though he asked this question asking both sides, both I really want to know what’s the men’s take on this and also, what’s the ladies/women’s take on this?

To understand the perspective from which this guy is talking from, here’s the body of the Discussion

I had a chat … With a friend and he was like he would not go for a woman as ambitious as him.

Just like me he has very crazy ambitions … We are both committed to
seeing our daring dreams come to pass.

His reason is that he wouldn’t like a
situation where him and his spouse are
so preoccupied with their DARING goals at the detriment of the family.

Eg. He goes on a business trip to go seal a deal and his wife jets off to Paris to go launch her new line … With both of then never having time for the kids or each other due to their demanding careers as they try to build their dreams.

He says he is not expecting her to be a house wife but more like she would have a lesser demanding career or job than his.

He was like their is need for balance.
With one of the couple having a lesser
dream or demanding career.

I am like if you have someone as ambitious as you … You both stand the
chance of sharpening each other and
assisting each other achieve their dreams, I was like it would be very wrong of you to inhibit your spouses goals because you want her to have time for the family.

He was like he would not be inhibiting
her ambition if she doesn’t have a big
ambition in the first place.

So now one of his criteria is a woman
with little or no ambition but she would be very smart and intelligentb and working class.

I am like you can’t be smart without
having an ambition. He was like her
ambition would not be too big or
demanding of her time.

As for me I am turned on by women with really bold ambitions. The only clause is do not forget I exist as you go on to pursue that dream.

What’s your take people. Is it ideal to go for someone with a lower ambition than you. Male or female

Culled from MathewBriggs

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